Union City Emergency Notification Signup Page

This page may be used to register your cell phone number, Voice over IP phone number, and e-mail address with the Union City, California emergency mass notification system.

Listed and unlisted landline telephone numbers are already included in the database and do not need to be registered.

Union City has implemented an emergency mass notification system that will be used to contact residents and businesses via recorded phone messages, text messages or e-mail messages in case of an emergency. The system, called CityWatch, will be used by the Police Department Emergency Operations Center to notify residents and businesses of emergencies and critical situations and to provide information regarding necessary safety actions. The system utilizes the telephone companies E911 database and is able to contact landline telephone numbers, whether listed or unlisted. If the call is picked up by an answering machine, the system will leave a recorded message. If the number called is busy or does not answer, the system will redial the number in an attempt to deliver the message. The system is also TTY/TDD compatible.

Because CityWatch uses the E911 database, only landline numbers are automatically included in the system. If you have a cellular or Voice over IP number and would like to be notified on that device, or if you would like an e-mail notification, you must register those telephone numbers and/or e-mail address by completing the registration form (see link below).

Please read this carefully before using our website. Because of the unforeseen nature of some large scale emergencies, no one can fully guarantee that you will receive a notification every time. Please keep yourself informed by continuing to monitor other public safety warning and information systems (such as television & radio) whenever possible. Union City will not share or distribute personal information gathered by this form and will use it solely for the purpose of providing emergency notifications.

Please create an account by entering an Address and Password then click SUBMIT. NOTE: Only one account can be created for each address. If you are unable to create an account using YOUR home or business address, please send an email to: ucpdcitywatch@unioncity.org. If there is a conflict, you will be required to show proof of occupancy of the address you wish to add.

 Address: *  
 Password: *